Phantom Liberty presents an electrifying spy-thriller expansion for...
Phantom Liberty presents an electrifying spy-thriller expansion for Cyberpunk 2077. Reprise your role as the cybernetically enhanced mercenary, V, and plunge into a mission fraught with espionage and suspense to rescue the NUSA President. Amid the perilous environs of Dogtown, you are challenged to weave through a labyrinth of broken allegiances and nefarious political schemes, creating strateg...
Phantom Liberty presents an electrifying spy-thriller expansion for Cyberpunk 2077. Reprise your role as the cybernetically enhanced mercenary, V, and plunge into a mission fraught with espionage and suspense to rescue the NUSA President. Amid the perilous environs of Dogtown, you are challenged to weave through a labyrinth of broken allegiances and nefarious political schemes, creating strategic alliances along the way. Do you possess the mettle required to endure and succeed?