"Cowboy Cartel" is the unbelievable true story of unlikely hero Sco...
"Cowboy Cartel" is the unbelievable true story of unlikely hero Scott Lawson, a rookie FBI agent from rural Tennessee whose investigation took down the Treviño brothers, the leaders of Los Zetas, one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico. While the Treviños terrorized thousands in their pursuit of power, money and influence, Lawson risked his life on a hunch: tracking their brother's racehorse...
"Cowboy Cartel" is the unbelievable true story of unlikely hero Scott Lawson, a rookie FBI agent from rural Tennessee whose investigation took down the Treviño brothers, the leaders of Los Zetas, one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico. While the Treviños terrorized thousands in their pursuit of power, money and influence, Lawson risked his life on a hunch: tracking their brother's racehorse transactions in the United States, infiltrating the deadly cartel and uncovering their international money laundering operations. "Cowboy Cartel" features first-time interviews with FBI agent Lawson, who broke the case; IRS agent Steve Pennington; Irving police officers Steve Junker, Brian Schutt and Kim Williams; Assistant United States Attorney Doug Gardner; Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist Ginger Thompson; and Joe Tone, the author of "Bones: Brothers, Horses, Cartels, and the Borderland Dream."