A three-part, behind-the-scenes documentary series, with intimate a...
A three-part, behind-the-scenes documentary series, with intimate access to The Problem Child, Jake "El Gallo" Paul and the Baddest Man on the Planet, Mike Tyson as they prepare for their highly-anticipated heavyweight boxing mega event LIVE on Netflix on November 15th. Countdown: Paul vs. Tyson captures inside footage from the fighters' training camps, giving viewers a close-up look at the gri...
A three-part, behind-the-scenes documentary series, with intimate access to The Problem Child, Jake "El Gallo" Paul and the Baddest Man on the Planet, Mike Tyson as they prepare for their highly-anticipated heavyweight boxing mega event LIVE on Netflix on November 15th. Countdown: Paul vs. Tyson captures inside footage from the fighters' training camps, giving viewers a close-up look at the grit, determination and physical demands of preparing for the can't miss boxing mega-event.