Hallmark Channel's hit primetime series 'CHESAPEAKE SHORES' returns...
Hallmark Channel's hit primetime series 'CHESAPEAKE SHORES' returns for Season Three Sunday, August 5 (9pm ET/PT, 8C) and runs through October 2018 with new episodes every Sunday night. "Chesapeake Shores" is part of the network's "Summer Nights" programming event.
Season three of the multi-generational family drama "Chesapeake Shores" follows Abby O'Brien (Meghan Ory), a high-powered career...
Hallmark Channel's hit primetime series 'CHESAPEAKE SHORES' returns for Season Three Sunday, August 5 (9pm ET/PT, 8C) and runs through October 2018 with new episodes every Sunday night. "Chesapeake Shores" is part of the network's "Summer Nights" programming event.
Season three of the multi-generational family drama "Chesapeake Shores" follows Abby O'Brien (Meghan Ory), a high-powered career woman, divorcee and mother to twin daughters, as she adjusts to life back in her hometown of Chesapeake Shores. Rekindling her romance with Trace (Jesse Metcalfe), her former high school sweetheart, Abby discovers that their relationship will be rocked by not only his newfound fame, but also her responsibility to protect her daughters.