Celebrations with Lacey Chabert follows the beloved Hallmark Channe...
Celebrations with Lacey Chabert follows the beloved Hallmark Channel star and philanthropist Chabert as she surprises deserving members of the community who are making a positive impact on the world by throwing them the celebration of a lifetime. This aspirational and visually rich series combines heart, the spirit of generosity and dazzling events as Chabert and her team plan epic surprise par...
Celebrations with Lacey Chabert follows the beloved Hallmark Channel star and philanthropist Chabert as she surprises deserving members of the community who are making a positive impact on the world by throwing them the celebration of a lifetime. This aspirational and visually rich series combines heart, the spirit of generosity and dazzling events as Chabert and her team plan epic surprise parties to give back to those who are making a positive impact. With the help of professional party planners, loving family members or dear friends and a team of volunteers, Chabert will have just three days to plan and execute a one-of-a-kind event that will create lasting memories for each worthy guest of honor and their families. Chabert will occasionally pull in a few celebrity friends and co-stars from viewers' favorite Hallmark movies to roll up their sleeves and join in the fun. The series goes beyond the surface to give back to these remarkable recipients in a meaningful way while creating the most memorable parties.