“Car Hunters” follows individuals as they search to buy their dream...
“Car Hunters” follows individuals as they search to buy their dream car. Each episode follows a new buyer, aided by a friend or family member, as they check out three unique vehicles and hit the open road for a test drive. The show shares in the exhilaration and deliberation as they try to decide which ride they will cruise home in. Featured buyers include an empty nester who wants to recapture...
“Car Hunters” follows individuals as they search to buy their dream car. Each episode follows a new buyer, aided by a friend or family member, as they check out three unique vehicles and hit the open road for a test drive. The show shares in the exhilaration and deliberation as they try to decide which ride they will cruise home in. Featured buyers include an empty nester who wants to recapture his youth with a car from his glory days; a father and son duo who are on the hunt for a thrill ride to bond over; a former correctional officer looking to kick off his retirement in style by owning a classic convertible; and a life-long lover of iconic low-riders who’s looking to finally buy one of his own.