Based on the graphic novel by John Wagner and Arthur Ranson, the st...
Based on the graphic novel by John Wagner and Arthur Ranson, the story follows ex-military contractor Harry Exton who is considered the first true hero of the post-truth age. Exton is a proxy in a clandestine competition among the super-rich.
Paid to fight to the death in modern-day gladiatorial contests, Exton sets out on a relentless journey to use these twisted elites’ own dark machine to...
Based on the graphic novel by John Wagner and Arthur Ranson, the story follows ex-military contractor Harry Exton who is considered the first true hero of the post-truth age. Exton is a proxy in a clandestine competition among the super-rich.
Paid to fight to the death in modern-day gladiatorial contests, Exton sets out on a relentless journey to use these twisted elites’ own dark machine to bring their corrupt world crashing down.