The film follows lonely, unstable gas station attendant Melinda (Ti...
The film follows lonely, unstable gas station attendant Melinda (Tilda Cobham-Hervey), who is tired of being overshadowed by her more confident, outgoing co-worker Sheila (Suki Waterhouse). When the gas station is held at gunpoint by Billy (Josh Hutcherson), a desperate man in need of quick cash, Melinda finds an opportunity to make a connection with the robber, regardless of who gets hurt.
The film follows lonely, unstable gas station attendant Melinda (Tilda Cobham-Hervey), who is tired of being overshadowed by her more confident, outgoing co-worker Sheila (Suki Waterhouse). When the gas station is held at gunpoint by Billy (Josh Hutcherson), a desperate man in need of quick cash, Melinda finds an opportunity to make a connection with the robber, regardless of who gets hurt.