Skarsgård delivers a captivating performance as "Boy," a character ...
Skarsgård delivers a captivating performance as "Boy," a character driven to vengeance after Hilda Van Der Koy (Janssen), a malevolent matriarch of a degenerate post-apocalyptic dynasty, brutally murders his family. This heinous act leaves Boy orphaned, deaf, and mute. Guided by an inner voice borrowed from his beloved childhood video game, Boy undergoes rigorous training with an enigmatic sham...
Skarsgård delivers a captivating performance as "Boy," a character driven to vengeance after Hilda Van Der Koy (Janssen), a malevolent matriarch of a degenerate post-apocalyptic dynasty, brutally murders his family. This heinous act leaves Boy orphaned, deaf, and mute. Guided by an inner voice borrowed from his beloved childhood video game, Boy undergoes rigorous training with an enigmatic shaman (Ruhian) to transform into a harbinger of death. His training culminates on the eve of the dynasty's annual purge of dissidents, where Boy unleashes a torrent of martial arts fury, sparking a relentless spree of chaos and bloodshed. Navigating through this frenzied world, Boy eventually aligns with a beleaguered group of rebels, all while engaging in contentious exchanges with the spectral presence of his defiant younger sister.