Dive into a fresh narrative spanning four interactive adventures. F...
Dive into a fresh narrative spanning four interactive adventures. For the first time, wander through iconic settings like the Heeler House, Playgrounds, Creek, and even a bonus beach spot. Engage in beloved games from the TV show, such as Keepy Uppy and Chattermax Chase, among others!
But the entertainment doesn't end there. While the game promises no tricky challenges, it guarantees heaps o...
Dive into a fresh narrative spanning four interactive adventures. For the first time, wander through iconic settings like the Heeler House, Playgrounds, Creek, and even a bonus beach spot. Engage in beloved games from the TV show, such as Keepy Uppy and Chattermax Chase, among others!
But the entertainment doesn't end there. While the game promises no tricky challenges, it guarantees heaps of fun. Delve into Bluey's enchanting world and, with local multiplayer, team up with friends and family in both story mode and free play!
Venture around to gather items for your sticker book, unlock stylish outfits, and discover numerous secrets and hidden nods scattered across each site. Relive classic scenes or forge your own Bluey-themed escapades and activities.