BLUE BLOODS is a drama that explores the lives of the Reagans, a fa...
BLUE BLOODS is a drama that explores the lives of the Reagans, a family deeply rooted in New York City's law enforcement. At the family's helm is Frank Reagan, the Police Commissioner, who leads the police force with the same level of diplomacy he offers his family. He navigates the complexities of politics that once challenged his forthright father, Henry, during his time as Chief. The Reagan ...
BLUE BLOODS is a drama that explores the lives of the Reagans, a family deeply rooted in New York City's law enforcement. At the family's helm is Frank Reagan, the Police Commissioner, who leads the police force with the same level of diplomacy he offers his family. He navigates the complexities of politics that once challenged his forthright father, Henry, during his time as Chief. The Reagan family's sense of duty is embodied by Danny, Frank's oldest son, an experienced detective, family man, and Iraq War veteran known for his unorthodox methods and steadfast partnership with Detective Jackie Curatola.
The matriarchs of the family include Erin, an Assistant District Attorney in New York and the family's moral guide, balancing her career with raising her daughter Nicky as a single mother. Linda, Danny's wife, is a pillar of support for her husband. Completing the family is Jamie, the youngest Reagan, a Harvard Law graduate and the "golden boy" of the family. Embracing his legacy, Jamie forgoes a promising career in law to serve as a police officer, continuing the family's long-standing tradition.