“Blindspotting” tells the story of Collin (Diggs) who needs to make...
“Blindspotting” tells the story of Collin (Diggs) who needs to make it through his last three days of probation for a chance at a new start, but his fast-talking childhood bestie, Miles (Casal), is a magnet for trouble. When Collin’s final countdown is interrupted by a life-changing missed curfew, their friendship is forced out of its comfortable buddy-comedy existence and onto a spiraling coll...
“Blindspotting” tells the story of Collin (Diggs) who needs to make it through his last three days of probation for a chance at a new start, but his fast-talking childhood bestie, Miles (Casal), is a magnet for trouble. When Collin’s final countdown is interrupted by a life-changing missed curfew, their friendship is forced out of its comfortable buddy-comedy existence and onto a spiraling collision course.