In the new film the duo are long past their days as time-travelling...
In the new film the duo are long past their days as time-travelling teenagers and now weighed down by middle age and family commitments. Despite many attempts, they’ve yet to write a good song let alone the greatest ever written.
With the fabric of time and space tearing around them, a visitor from the future warns only their song can save life as we know it. They set out on a time travel ad...
In the new film the duo are long past their days as time-travelling teenagers and now weighed down by middle age and family commitments. Despite many attempts, they’ve yet to write a good song let alone the greatest ever written.
With the fabric of time and space tearing around them, a visitor from the future warns only their song can save life as we know it. They set out on a time travel adventure to find it, with the help of their daughters, historical figures, and sympathetic music legends.