Beyond Paradise picks up Humphrey and Martha's story as they naviga...
Beyond Paradise picks up Humphrey and Martha's story as they navigate a new life together in the idyll of rural Britain.
Seeking a quieter life away from the stress of the city, Humphrey has taken a job as Detective Inspector in fiancée Martha's hometown. However, they soon find that country life is anything but peaceful and Humphrey can't help but be distracted by the town's surprisingly hi...
Beyond Paradise picks up Humphrey and Martha's story as they navigate a new life together in the idyll of rural Britain.
Seeking a quieter life away from the stress of the city, Humphrey has taken a job as Detective Inspector in fiancée Martha's hometown. However, they soon find that country life is anything but peaceful and Humphrey can't help but be distracted by the town's surprisingly high crime rate with a new, and very different, case challenging him each week.