Bear and Breakfast is a charming management adventure game that cas...
Bear and Breakfast is a charming management adventure game that casts you as a benevolent bear named Hank, who, along with his friends, stumbles upon a deserted cabin in the forest. Harnessing their youthful creativity, they transform this humble abode into a quaint bed and breakfast, aiming to attract unwitting tourists looking for a woodland retreat.
As Hank's entrepreneurial venture thriv...
Bear and Breakfast is a charming management adventure game that casts you as a benevolent bear named Hank, who, along with his friends, stumbles upon a deserted cabin in the forest. Harnessing their youthful creativity, they transform this humble abode into a quaint bed and breakfast, aiming to attract unwitting tourists looking for a woodland retreat.
As Hank's entrepreneurial venture thrives, the secrets of the forest begin to unfurl. With the expansion of his B+B, Hank delves deeper into the woods' enigmas, only to discover a conspiracy that runs more profound than the very woods that surround him.