Release dates

August 2, 2017

92 months ago



Aug 2, 2017
92 months ago

Baroness von Sketch Show Season 1 release date

The tv series season Baroness von Sketch Show Season 1 is already released on IFC in the USA.

Baroness von Sketch Show Season 1

TV Series Season
Fast-paced and irreverent, Baroness von Sketch Show and its all-fem...
Fast-paced and irreverent, Baroness von Sketch Show and its all-female cast draws upon 15 years of comedy experience and multiple collaborations to present an insightful, emotionally grounded series that captures the banalities and humor that comes from just trying to get along in the world. Offering a witty take on everyday concerns from the pretentiousness of ordering a fancy coffee to office...
Fast-paced and irreverent, Baroness von Sketch Show and its all-female cast draws upon 15 years of comedy experience and multiple collaborations to present an insightful, emotionally grounded series that captures the banalities and humor that comes from just trying to get along in the world. Offering a witty take on everyday concerns from the pretentiousness of ordering a fancy coffee to office and sexual politics, this satirical sketch comedy satirizes daily modern life.