Switch Q2 2024 This Quarter uk

Baladins Switch UK Release Date

The game Baladins upcoming Switch release date in the UK is confirmed to be Q2 2024. You can play this game on Switch in the UK this quarter.

Release Dates

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Q2 2024Confirmed

Baladins: a group of whimsical wanderers, known by many as buskers, party animals, and troublemakers, but they proudly embrace their true identity as the Baladins. These celebrated heroes roam from one town to another on a noble mission: to entertain and bring joy to the masses. Their task is challenging, yet the Baladins approach it with enthusiasm and grace. Whether it's lending a helping hand or organizing exuberant festivities, they carry an air of surprise and delight on their journey. Their ultimate goal is to spread happiness across the vibrant and dynamic world of Gatherac.


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