This eight episode series stars two members of the popular Korean P...
This eight episode series stars two members of the popular Korean Pop Group, BTS, Jimin and Jung Kook, who filmed the series in 2023, prior to them enlisting for mandatory military service.
The pair enjoy a summer trip, travelling through three locations in three countries: New York, Jeju Island, South Korea, and Sapporo, Japan. Allowing fans of the group — collectively known as ARMY — to ge...
This eight episode series stars two members of the popular Korean Pop Group, BTS, Jimin and Jung Kook, who filmed the series in 2023, prior to them enlisting for mandatory military service.
The pair enjoy a summer trip, travelling through three locations in three countries: New York, Jeju Island, South Korea, and Sapporo, Japan. Allowing fans of the group — collectively known as ARMY — to get a behind-the-scenes look as the pair road trip together.