This summer, the infamous Cody family is back as TNT's hit drama An...
This summer, the infamous Cody family is back as TNT's hit drama Animal Kingdom returns for its third season. In last season's shocking cliffhanger, Baz (Scott Speedman) was shot while on his way to Mexico after framing Smurf (Ellen Barkin) for murder. Season three opens with Smurf in jail and her grandson J (Finn Cole) in charge of the family business. The Cody men find themselves increasingly...
This summer, the infamous Cody family is back as TNT's hit drama Animal Kingdom returns for its third season. In last season's shocking cliffhanger, Baz (Scott Speedman) was shot while on his way to Mexico after framing Smurf (Ellen Barkin) for murder. Season three opens with Smurf in jail and her grandson J (Finn Cole) in charge of the family business. The Cody men find themselves increasingly divided as they fight for both control and their independence, but have to come together when outside threats emerge. Deran's (Jake Weary) drifter dad Billy (Denis Leary) comes back to make amends, but may have other motives.
The third season of Animal Kingdom is slated to launch Tuesday, May 29, at 9 p.m. (ET/PT) on TNT.