Hosted by acclaimed chef Eric Adjepong, 15 brave and talented chefs...
Hosted by acclaimed chef Eric Adjepong, 15 brave and talented chefs attempt to take down Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli, one of the most feared and accomplished competition cooks in America. Chef Alex goes up against three chefs in two rounds of cooking, and anyone, even Alex, can be sent home after a blind tasting by the judges. Each chef hails from a different state, but they all share the same...
Hosted by acclaimed chef Eric Adjepong, 15 brave and talented chefs attempt to take down Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli, one of the most feared and accomplished competition cooks in America. Chef Alex goes up against three chefs in two rounds of cooking, and anyone, even Alex, can be sent home after a blind tasting by the judges. Each chef hails from a different state, but they all share the same culinary specialty and drive to beat Alex for ultimate bragging rights and $15,000. These competitors all share the same mastery of a specific ingredient or dish, one that they have spent endless hours in their own kitchens perfecting and which will now be tested in an effort to take down one of the country's most formidable chefs.