Airborne Empire, the much-anticipated sequel to the critically accl...
Airborne Empire, the much-anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Airborne Kingdom, invites players to construct, govern, and expand their distinctive skyborne city. Players traverse an extensive, richly detailed open world teeming with new perils, exotic marvels, and abundant hidden treasures. The unique mechanics of lift, balance, and propulsion make a comeback, but a new adversary has...
Airborne Empire, the much-anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Airborne Kingdom, invites players to construct, govern, and expand their distinctive skyborne city. Players traverse an extensive, richly detailed open world teeming with new perils, exotic marvels, and abundant hidden treasures. The unique mechanics of lift, balance, and propulsion make a comeback, but a new adversary has surfaced: pirates who disrupt the city's peace. Players are called upon to safeguard their citizens – and the kingdoms beneath them! – from destructive assaults. Only shrewd and audacious leaders can cultivate and shield their settlements, locate and annihilate enemy bastions, and ultimately unify the inhabitants of this world.