Set after the fall of the Empire, Ahsoka follows the former Jedi kn...
Set after the fall of the Empire, Ahsoka follows the former Jedi knight Ahsoka Tano as she investigates an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy. Ahsoka, the Star Wars series on Disney+, delves into the journey of Ahsoka Tano post- Star Wars Rebels, exploring her encounters with Darth Vader and grappling with the legacy of her former master, Anakin Skywalker. Dave Filoni and the cast, includin...
Set after the fall of the Empire, Ahsoka follows the former Jedi knight Ahsoka Tano as she investigates an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy. Ahsoka, the Star Wars series on Disney+, delves into the journey of Ahsoka Tano post- Star Wars Rebels, exploring her encounters with Darth Vader and grappling with the legacy of her former master, Anakin Skywalker. Dave Filoni and the cast, including Rosario Dawson, navigate complex themes of redemption, the fallout of betrayal, and the enduring impact of Anakin's transformation on Ahsoka's life. Hayden Christensen reprises his role, embodying an Anakin that straddles light and dark, offering a nuanced performance that leaves audiences questioning the nature of his presence.