"After Louie" follows Sam (Alan Cumming), an artist and activist wh...
"After Louie" follows Sam (Alan Cumming), an artist and activist who lived through the early years of HIV/AIDS - a man scarred and still struggling with survivor's guilt. Cemented into an oppressive past, he is bewildered by a younger generation of carefree gay men with their uninhibited use of social media, sexting, and seeming political indifference.
But when he meets the seductive young B...
"After Louie" follows Sam (Alan Cumming), an artist and activist who lived through the early years of HIV/AIDS - a man scarred and still struggling with survivor's guilt. Cemented into an oppressive past, he is bewildered by a younger generation of carefree gay men with their uninhibited use of social media, sexting, and seeming political indifference.
But when he meets the seductive young Braeden (Zachary Booth) at a bar late one night, their pants quickly come down and, eventually, so does Sam's ossified guard. As the pair become increasingly intimate, an intergenerational relationship blossoms between them-one capable of reawakening Sam's artistic soul and reviving his wilted heart.