The film follows Lawrence (Devito), who runs a grand hotel in the m...
The film follows Lawrence (Devito), who runs a grand hotel in the mountains of Italy. Every winter, he hosts the extended family for Christmas – but this year, his daughter (Lucy Devito) and her husband (Valderrama) are bringing their 10-year-old, Claire (Antonella Rose), to visit in August. The young couple comes with shocking news, they are divorcing and tasked Lawrence with being the bearer ...
The film follows Lawrence (Devito), who runs a grand hotel in the mountains of Italy. Every winter, he hosts the extended family for Christmas – but this year, his daughter (Lucy Devito) and her husband (Valderrama) are bringing their 10-year-old, Claire (Antonella Rose), to visit in August. The young couple comes with shocking news, they are divorcing and tasked Lawrence with being the bearer of bad news to Claire. When Claire realizes her soon-to-be broken family won’t be returning in December, she insists on having one last Christmas with the entire family now in the middle of summer. Her other grandparents (MacDowell and José Zúñiga) are summoned while Claire, in collusion with her grandfather Lawrence, plans activities designed to reunite her parents and bring the whole family back together.