expected October 14, 2014 9 Years Ago us

Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 Babi Yar CD Release Date

The music Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 Babi Yar is already released on CD in the USA and UK.

Release Dates

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October 14, 2014Expected
September 29, 2014Expected
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 Babi Yar cover art
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Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 Babi Yar


Shostakovich wrote his Symphony No. 13, Op. 113 in 1962. The climax of his 'Russian period' and, in its scoring for bass soloist, male chorus and orchestra, among the most Mussorgskian of his works, it attracted controversy through its settings of poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko (the 'Russian Bob Dylan' of his day) not least the first movement, where the poet underlines the plight of Jews in Soviet society. The other movements are no less pertinent in their observations on the relationship between society and the individual. This is the final release in Vasily Petrenko's internationally acclaimed symphonic cycle.

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