James Cameron Shares Avatar 2 Details

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James Cameron has let slip details for the forthcoming mammoth undertaking that is the Avatar franchise. Having announced that he’ll be working on four sequels to Avatar, the first of which won't land until 2020, he’s been chatting to Empire about the specifics of that first sequel – with some spoiler-filled details to follow.  

It’s been confirmed for some while that Stephen Lang’s Colonel Quartich would return (despite taking a pair of four-foot arrows in the chest), but Cameron reveals that Quaritch won't be relegated to a supporting role or appear solely in flashbacks. Rather, he will continue to menace Jake, Neytiri and the other Na'vi throughout all five movies as the saga's main antagonist.

“The interesting conceit of the Avatar sequels is it’s pretty much the same characters," he says. "There are new characters and a lot of new settings and creatures, so I’m taking characters you know and putting them in unfamiliar places and moving them on this greater journey. But it’s not a whole bunch of new characters every time. There’s not a new villain every time, which is interesting. Same guy. Same motherf#*ker through all four movies. He is so good and he just gets better. I know Stephen Lang is gonna knock this out of the park." 

And the inspiration for tackling four movies at once? The Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson.

"I said 'It’s your fault I’m doing this, motherf#*ker!'" He recalls. "It’s one big story. But I would say a little bit different from The Lord Of The Rings, which you knew was a trilogy and that allowed you to accept a sort of truncated ending for movies one and two and then a fulfilment. This is a great narrative broken up into four complete stories."

Avatar 2 will be released on 18th December 2020. 

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