Justice League: Zack Snyder Tweets Batman's New 'Tactical Suit' 

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Batman has a suit for every occasion. 

Be it the bulky Frank Miller-esque design last seen at the end of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice – designed specifically to flatten Superman with or the slight stubby eared – although no more Miller-esque suit which he donned to take down a warehouse full of thugs Arkham Asylum style. 

And then there’s the trenchcoat dream suit complete with googles and military-style pants…man, Batman really does have a lot of suits in that film. Where does he get all those wonderful toys? 

Another toy to add to his arsenal is the brand new ‘tactical suit’ as showcased by Zack Snyder from the set of Justice League – the superhero team up/tour of attrition for DC’s finest.  

And as you can see, with its googles and reinforced armour, looks very much like Owlman from Watchmen…still no bat-nipples though. 

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As Snyder tweets, it's the last day Affleck will be filming with the suit for the Warner Bros. teamup — and the photo also includes a look at the Batmobile.  

It makes you wonder what kind of threat the Dark Knight faces that requires such a tough-looking, albeit practical, suit of armour. So what do we think of Batman’s new threads? Good? Bad? Still annoyed at the lack of Bat-nipples? 

Justice League is currently filming in London for release on Nov. 16, 2017.  

Justice League
Earth's greatest heroes are assembled to form the Justice League, to combat a threat beyond each member's capabilities.
Release Dates
17 Nov 2017-Cinema
26 Mar 2018-Blu-ray
13 Mar 2018-DVD
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