Phantom Dust Reboot Not Cancelled, But Isn't in Active Development

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Microsoft announced a reboot of cult classic Phantom Dust during E3 2104, along with a CG trailer to showcase the game. However, after that news about the upcoming game was pretty much non-existent.

A couple months later it was revealed that developer Darkside Games had been pulled off the project for apparently not meeting up to Microsoft's expectations. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter the developer also closed their doors.

Finally, a year later we have a small update on what is currently going on with the the Xbox One version of Phantom Dust.

While speaking to Gamertag Radio about the game, Aaron Greenberg said:

“It has been a passion project for Phil and a lot of folks on the team and we are currently exploring what we are going to do in the long term. The project is not cancelled. We don’t have an active developer on it right now.”

If Microsoft is currently actively seeking out a new developer for Phantom Dust, I would personally recommend Platinum Games.

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