Edge of Tomorrow 2 Has a Title 

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Edge of Tomorrow (or Live. Die. Repeat depending on your preference) was a great film. A perfect blend of every video game you’ve ever played and the Tibetan Book of the Dead, this under rated movie did just enough business as the box office to warrant a sequel…and now, thanks to director Doug Liman we have a title too. 

Is it Edge of Tomorrow 2: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Edge 2 Morrow? Edge of Tomorrow: Tomorrow Harder? No, but it’s forehead slappingly simple. Here’s Doug Liman, talking to Cinemablend to explain: 

“We have an amazing story! It's incredible! Way better than the first film, and I obviously loved the first film. It will be called Live Die Repeat and Repeat. Tom [Cruise] is excited about it, and Emily Blunt is excited about it. The big question is just when we'll do it. But it's not an if, it's a when.” 

He certainly seems keen.

If you’re a little confused as to why the film has so many titles to begin with, it’s because the film was originally going to be called All You Need Is Kill, the same title as its source material. But the studio nixed it and it was changed to Edge of Tomorrow. However, when the film came out on Blu-ray and digital HD, Live. Die. Repeat. was all over the cover. So, no prizes for guessing which one the producers of the film prefer. 

Edge of Tomorrow saw Tom Cruise playing against type as a cowardly PR man thrown into all-out war against a very Mass Effect style alien invasion. His character then gets infected with Alien blood that forces him to relive the same day over and over again – and it’s a day where he dies quite a bit. 

Here’s hoping that the movie Gods align everyone’s schedules so that we can get Live Die Repeat and Repeat (still not sold on that title) soon. 

Live Die Repeat and Repeat
The sequel to sci-fi action thriller Edge of Tomorrow, where, infected with alien blood, a PR man, played by Tom Crui...
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