Syndrome Release Date Confirmed October

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Some sci-fi claustrophobic horror from developer Camel 101 is launching in early October for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and VR platforms. 

We must find out what's happened aboard a deep space exploration and science vessel using stealth and evasion. The SPS Valkenburg has seen better days in this psychological horror experience which can strike terror in your heart with HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.

"Syndrome places you in a living hell aboard a deserted spaceship, with only stealth and your intuition to guide you as you start to find the bodies of dead crewmen”, said Paulo J. Games, Game Director of Bigmoon Entertainment. "Be warned, as hardcore horror genre fans, we made sure the experience is truly terrifying - especially on VR - so give it a try and see for yourselves, if you dare."

You awaken dazed and confused aboard the now desolate vessel that's adrift in the vast vacuum of space. Most of the ship's crew are either dead or have been horrifically changed. Syndrome features an endless 'VR Survival mode' where you constantly scavenge for supplies and weapons to cut down waves of enemies and see how many days you can survive.

Syndrome releases on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 October 6th, 2017.

You wake up dazed and confused, probably from the effects of cryosleep. No one can be seen around, but you soon start...
Release Dates
6 Oct 2016-PC
29 Sep 2017-Xbox One
11 Mar 2022-Switch
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