Overwatch's Sombra Design Possibly Leaked

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The hacker and ARG subject expected to be revealed closer to Hallowe'en, Sombra, appears to have had her design leaked last night. 

No details on her play-style have been revealed but, from this seemingly official image, you can see that she's packing a sub-machine gun, a munitions belt, and wires through her gloves.

Considering she's supposed to be an incredible hacker, we have faith in the theory Sombra will have some kind of EMP-theme to her ultimate. 

According to the visible flavour text in the leaked image, Sombra is one of the world's most notorious hackers who lost everything as a child during the Omnic Crisis. She worked with the Los Muertos gang in Mexico until she "attracted too much unwanted attention and had to go underground" before being recruited to the Talon Organisation.

Soldiers. Scientists. Adventurers. Oddities. In a time of global crisis, an international task force of heroes banded...
Release Dates
24 May 2016-Xbox One
24 May 2016-PC
15 Oct 2019-Switch
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