Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding "Out Before The Olympics" In 2020

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Kojima Productions' Death Stranding will be launched before Tokyo hosts the Olympics in 2020, and before the anime movie Akira's timeline of 2019.

That's a slightly roundabout way of saying Death Stranding will be coming out in 2018. You can blame Hideo Kojima himself for throwing all these dates about.

"It will be out before the Olympics. To go a little further, there is a movie called Akira, and it will be out before the year in which Akira is set,” Kojima-san revealed.

Interestingly Akira actually predicted Tokyo would in fact host the Olympics in 2020, though not so much about the beginning of World War III in 1988 or the rise of Neo-Tokyo replacing the old one that was destroyed in nuclear fire. Win some, you lose some.

Actor Norman Reedus features in Death Stranding, but there's now talk of a female protagonist who has yet to be cast by Hideo Kojima. His studio Kojima Productions are also using a "well-known" third -party engine to make Death Stranding. It certainly won't be the FOX engine, which resides with Konami.

There's still extremely little known about the game's plot or premise.

Death Stranding releases on PlayStation 4 likely in 2018.

Death Stranding
From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience. Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly tra...
Release Dates
14 Jul 2020-PC
8 Nov 2019-PS4
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