Watch Dogs 2 'Lead Character' Leaked By Mocap Actor Sporting Gun, Phone And Glasses

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Ubisoft is yet to officially say much about Watch Dogs 2, although they have already boasted the new IP will become a big franchise. A mocap actor has spilled some beans.

According to a Los Angeles-based actor we'll be playing as a new lead character, leaving behind the first game's Aiden Pearce to presumably go brood somewhere in Chicago and irritate commuters by messing with traffic lights.

"Had a blast doing motion capture work as the lead character in a new video game series! (= #actor #motioncapture #artist #videogames #ps4 #xbox #art #work #comingsoon #WatchDogs2", posted the actor on Instragram, which has since been set to private.

It was only until NerdLeaks spotted the teasing mocap pose that it got any attention. The fact it was quickly taken from public viewing means Ubisoft wants to kept quiet for a while longer yet. Most likely they will announce something in June at E3.

Currently Ubisoft has revealed that Watch Dogs 2 will be arriving before March 2017, but otherwise there's little to no information to go on. The original announcement of the game took fans by storm but the game itself didn't quite match the premise.

A new lead character for Watch Dogs shouldn't surprise fans as Aiden Pearce was felt to be a 'weak hero' that didn't do much to foster a strong relationship with players. In fact a single-player campaign DLC where you play as side-character 'T-Bone Grady' seemed to ignite fans as they suddenly had an interesting character to wreak havoc with.

One thing's for sure, Watch Dogs 2 is going to have a Season Pass - but hopefully not the awful mess of editions and versions the original had that spread DLC all over the place.

Watch Dogs 2
Set in San Francisco, the brilliant young hacker Marcus Holloway finds himself on the wrong side of the ctOS 2.0 prof...
Release Dates
15 Nov 2016-Xbox One
15 Nov 2016-PS4
29 Nov 2016-PC
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