Chroma Squad Release Date Confirmed

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Inspired by Saban’s Power Rangers, Bandai Namco announces Chroma Squad will be releasing for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in May this year.

Controlling five high-flying stunt actors who quit their day-job, you'll be working to make a success of their very own Power Rangers TV show.

It's a tactical squad RPG where you cast the actors, purchase equipment and upgrades for the studio, and craft weapons and giant mechs from an all-powerful material - cardboard - and duct tape.

There are skill trees as well and special Teamwork maneuvers as Chroma Squad battle to save the world from danger, as well as the obligatory Giant Mecha combat that ends up knocking over half the city it's meant to be saving. It's all presented through animated pixel art that goes well with its sense of humour.

Chroma Squad releases on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in May 2017. It released on PC in April 2015.

Chroma Squad
Chroma Squad is a tactical RPG about five stunt actors who decide to quit their jobs and start their own Power Ranger...
Release Dates
30 Apr 2015-Mac
19 May 2017-Xbox One
30 Apr 2015-Linux
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