Adam Wingard to Direct Godzilla Vs. King Kong 

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Rising like the proverbial beast, Godzilla Vs. King Kong is lumbering towards production and now, marshalling the two goliaths will be The Guest director Adam Wingard.  

Very much in keeping with what nobody is calling ‘the Marvel method’ wherein a hot director from a low budget movie is given a big budget movie to play with, Wingard will be the next director to bring Pirates of the Caribbean writer Terry Rossio’s vision to screen (Rossio oversaw a writers room that featured the likes of J. Michael Straczynski, TS Nowlin and duo Patrick McKay and JD Payne). 

While we don’t know much more about the plot, other than, well Godzilla and King Kong going at each other, we do know the movie is taking aim at a 22 May, 2020 release in the UK. 

Godzilla vs. Kong
In a new world where man and monster now coexist, Monarch must lead the way to a prosperous future alongside the Tita...
Release Dates
15 Jun 2021-Blu-ray
31 Mar 2021-HBO Max
26 Mar 2021-Cinema
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