The hybrid game show sees contestants answer general knowledge ques...
The hybrid game show sees contestants answer general knowledge questions to bank prize money across multiple rounds. At the end of each round, the contestants vote out who they perceive to be the "Weakest Link" remaining.
In each episode, eight contestants enter the studio as total strangers but must work together to bank the maximum amount of prize money available in each round. The contest...
The hybrid game show sees contestants answer general knowledge questions to bank prize money across multiple rounds. At the end of each round, the contestants vote out who they perceive to be the "Weakest Link" remaining.
In each episode, eight contestants enter the studio as total strangers but must work together to bank the maximum amount of prize money available in each round. The contestants take turns to answer general knowledge questions to build chains of correct answers. Consecutive correct answers greatly increase the value of the chain, while incorrect answers break the chain and force the contestants to start over on the lowest rung with the smallest amount money. At the end of each round, contestants vote to eliminate the fellow contestant they consider to be the "Weakest Link" in the chain. The contestant who receives the highest number of votes leaves the game as the host declares the iconic phrase, "You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye."