When Jack Frost infiltrates Santa's Workshop and steals the 6 Grand...
When Jack Frost infiltrates Santa's Workshop and steals the 6 Grand Presents the fate of the season hangs in the balance! Join the Red nosed Reindeer Lux and his friends in their struggle to defeat Jack Frost's forces! In this cool Adventure RPG build up your wintery warrior's levels to overcome the game's challenges! Fight foes in frantic turn based battles with real-time elements and action c...
When Jack Frost infiltrates Santa's Workshop and steals the 6 Grand Presents the fate of the season hangs in the balance! Join the Red nosed Reindeer Lux and his friends in their struggle to defeat Jack Frost's forces! In this cool Adventure RPG build up your wintery warrior's levels to overcome the game's challenges! Fight foes in frantic turn based battles with real-time elements and action commands! Saddle up! Collect equipment and magical baubles to boost your party's stats and unlock new skills in battle!
Make use of your Reindeer abilities in the overworld to run and jump as you explore the settings. Solve puzzles using your magical red-nose to fire lasers or charge with your antlers to break straight through obstacles! An exciting 6-chapter adventure awaits! Ride a snowmobile through the shivering Snowzone! Face foes in knightly combat in the Autumn Arena's Knight Games, Take part in the war of Mice and Toys in Toy Town. All this and more await in Reindeer Story!