The series follows Julia (Anna Maxwell Martin), who always wanted h...
The series follows Julia (Anna Maxwell Martin), who always wanted her kids to be brought up like she was -- by her mother. But instead her mom has abandoned her, so now she is thrown head first into the Motherland where it's sink or swim. While she struggles with work and life she meets a full array of hands-on parents including the 'Alpha Moms' headed by Amanda (Lucy Punch), who is the Queen B...
The series follows Julia (Anna Maxwell Martin), who always wanted her kids to be brought up like she was -- by her mother. But instead her mom has abandoned her, so now she is thrown head first into the Motherland where it's sink or swim. While she struggles with work and life she meets a full array of hands-on parents including the 'Alpha Moms' headed by Amanda (Lucy Punch), who is the Queen Bee: everything is organized, vacuum-packed and sterile -- even the kitchen chalk board is a statement of success. At the other end of the spectrum is single mom Liz (Diane Morgan), who is low energy but full of life hacks. She has learned to do things her way. Then there's Kevin (Paul Ready). He's the stay-at-home Dad who embraces the Motherland with gusto -- much to the irritation of the other mothers.