Minds Beneath Us is a story-rich Sci-Fi thriller adventure game set...
Minds Beneath Us is a story-rich Sci-Fi thriller adventure game set in a futuristic Asian city. In a society that has become fully automated with AI. A new industry has emerged that replaces the hardware needed to operate the Internet with linked human brains. As a result, the most disadvantaged of citizens have had no choice but to put in their bid to sign up, one after another. Against the st...
Minds Beneath Us is a story-rich Sci-Fi thriller adventure game set in a futuristic Asian city. In a society that has become fully automated with AI. A new industry has emerged that replaces the hardware needed to operate the Internet with linked human brains. As a result, the most disadvantaged of citizens have had no choice but to put in their bid to sign up, one after another. Against the stage of this mad society, a mysterious conspiracy gradually unveils. Do you dare to deep dive into what is really going on?