New episodes of Paramount Network's three-time Emmy nominated serie...
New episodes of Paramount Network's three-time Emmy nominated series, Lip Sync Battle, return on Thursday, May 30 at 10pm ET/PT with the biggest bird in entertainment hitting the stage, Big Bird, who shows up with some of his Sesame Street friends. The global multiplatform hit series, hosted by two-time Grammy award winner LL COOL J and television personality, author, and model Chrissy Teigen, ...
New episodes of Paramount Network's three-time Emmy nominated series, Lip Sync Battle, return on Thursday, May 30 at 10pm ET/PT with the biggest bird in entertainment hitting the stage, Big Bird, who shows up with some of his Sesame Street friends. The global multiplatform hit series, hosted by two-time Grammy award winner LL COOL J and television personality, author, and model Chrissy Teigen, will include performances from Jason Schwartzman, Prince Royce, Nico Tortorella, Lele Pons, Molly Bernard, Rotimi and more!