"Gary Owen Family" is arguably Black America's most beloved non-Bla...
"Gary Owen Family" is arguably Black America's most beloved non-Black comic. He became part of the family as the first Caucasian man to host BET's ComicView, and confirmed he was here to stay with his star turns in the Think Like A Man films, Ride Along and Meet The Blacks. He also starred in his own hit stand-up comedy specials including I Agree With Myself, True Story and the upcoming I Got M...
"Gary Owen Family" is arguably Black America's most beloved non-Black comic. He became part of the family as the first Caucasian man to host BET's ComicView, and confirmed he was here to stay with his star turns in the Think Like A Man films, Ride Along and Meet The Blacks. He also starred in his own hit stand-up comedy specials including I Agree With Myself, True Story and the upcoming I Got My Associates. Now, he brings his own interracial and blended family to BET in a 30-minute unscripted series that is colorful, truthful and hysterical. Gary Owen loves his wife so much, he wants to marry her again – and the path down the aisle is paved with non-stop laughter as he balances planning a wedding with raising his three rambunctious children and growing his white-hot career.