Adapted from the one-act off-Broadway play "Bums" by Robert Shaffro...
Adapted from the one-act off-Broadway play "Bums" by Robert Shaffron, "bUMS" tells the story of dAVID, pETER, sUNSHINE, bROADWAY vIC, mARY, and fRANK who have survived on the streets and have been homeless for decades, as they join an ambitious government-funded program in the hopes of regaining their lives back.
Adapted from the one-act off-Broadway play "Bums" by Robert Shaffron, "bUMS" tells the story of dAVID, pETER, sUNSHINE, bROADWAY vIC, mARY, and fRANK who have survived on the streets and have been homeless for decades, as they join an ambitious government-funded program in the hopes of regaining their lives back.