The story follows Sue, who after being raised among five rowdy brot...
The story follows Sue, who after being raised among five rowdy brothers in blue-collar South Boston, is a scrappy, headstrong young lawyer who lands a career-making case with an upper crust law firm, only to realize she’s been hired for optics and not her expertise. But after discovering her powerful client, a lifelong idol and fellow Southie native, is trying to cover up exploiting workers wit...
The story follows Sue, who after being raised among five rowdy brothers in blue-collar South Boston, is a scrappy, headstrong young lawyer who lands a career-making case with an upper crust law firm, only to realize she’s been hired for optics and not her expertise. But after discovering her powerful client, a lifelong idol and fellow Southie native, is trying to cover up exploiting workers within her company, Bobbie decides to take both her and the law firm on, caution and etiquette be damned.