In Arc War, players defend the Earth from a deadly alien invasion a...
In Arc War, players defend the Earth from a deadly alien invasion as they blast their way along the “intercontinental arc” — a neverending bridge across the ocean riddled with destroyed structures from the attack. The retro-style shooter features 17 types of enemy ships, 6 kinds of boss encounters, 7 different power-ups, 14 Game Center achievements, and a leaderboard for recording high scores.
In Arc War, players defend the Earth from a deadly alien invasion as they blast their way along the “intercontinental arc” — a neverending bridge across the ocean riddled with destroyed structures from the attack. The retro-style shooter features 17 types of enemy ships, 6 kinds of boss encounters, 7 different power-ups, 14 Game Center achievements, and a leaderboard for recording high scores.