"Alone in the Dark Prologue" serves as a captivating playable tease...
"Alone in the Dark Prologue" serves as a captivating playable teaser for the forthcoming reimagining of "Alone in the Dark" – the game that pioneered the survival horror genre.
Jeremy Hartwood, one of Derceto's inhabitants, has exhibited unusual behavior recently. He tasks Grace with a straightforward mission – to deliver a letter to his niece, Emily Hartwood. It appears that she alone posse...
"Alone in the Dark Prologue" serves as a captivating playable teaser for the forthcoming reimagining of "Alone in the Dark" – the game that pioneered the survival horror genre.
Jeremy Hartwood, one of Derceto's inhabitants, has exhibited unusual behavior recently. He tasks Grace with a straightforward mission – to deliver a letter to his niece, Emily Hartwood. It appears that she alone possesses the ability to comprehend the supernatural horrors that torment Jeremy's psyche.