Just Cause 3 PC Patch Out Now With "Significantly Improved Loading Times"

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Avalanche Studios was going to release the Just Cause 3 PC patch tomorrow on Friday, but it's out early, and with it come some very nice tune-ups for dictator-toppling. Chief among them are improved loading times, stability fixes and optimisations for online stats.

The developer also recently addressed some other issues like why the heck can't Rico sprint? Apparently it's to encourage use of the grappling hook, and that's also the reason why he doesn't bother crouching but instead prefers to take to the skies and rain down bullets and explosives. Check out the 1.02 PC patch notes on the Steam website.

Avalanche's 'raised concerns' FAQ:

You can skip cutscenes, in fact – all you need to do is hold B on your gamepad, or hit ‘Skip’ from the pause menu.

This isn’t an oversight; it’s very much intended. Our designer’s intent was to encourage you to use Rico’s unique grapple to move around Medici far quicker than his legs would allow, as well as giving you the ability to traverse vertically.

Rico doesn’t hide. Getting him up in the air is our version of the cover mechanic. Rico is far more deadly in the skies, than pinned behind a container on the ground.

While there’s no mini-map to help you liberate bases and towns, you can always bring up your map to help find Chaos objects. When you’re down to the last few objects in any given settlement, an approximate location for these will be displayed on the map.

Just Cause 3 released on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 December 1st.

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