It Has Begun! First Image from War of the Planet of the Apes

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A figure riding a horse on a beach may trigger memories of the original Planet of the Apes as the first image of the currently filming War of the Planet of the Apes begins.

Apes 3 or 9, depending on your preference, signals a return to the original beginning of the franchise. That film takes place after the events of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes and Battle for the Planet of the Apes, kind of the stories that Dawn and Rise recently reworked.

Woody Harrelson, Chad Rook and Gabriel Chavarria are among the humans this time, with Steve Zahn joining the ranks of the apes, along with Andy Serkis and Terry Notary.

Details are sketchy but, if you’ve seen the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, you’ll know that after a conflict between the human survivors of the virus and Caesar’s simian forces, a sort of truce was reached, one that was threatened by the coming of human reinforcements from outside San Francisco.

War for the Planet of the Apes will be out in the UK on July 21, 2017.

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