PlayStation VR Aim Controller Release Date Confirmed

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Sony's upcoming PlayStation VR Aim Controller will be launching for virtual reality gaming lovers this May, and it will include a copy of Farpoint.

This controller basically gives a you motion controller in the shape of a weapon for those first-person shooter experiences, so you don't have to try and aim with the PlayStation Move wands. The Aim Controller also supports a virtual scope so it feels more like an actual weapon in your hand.

Farpoint is the ideal companion for the new Aim Controller as it's all about shooting crap that's coming for you set on a hostile alien world. It was made exclusively for PlayStation VR. Now we just need a fresh arcade shooter like Time Crisis from Namco Bandai.

PlayStation VR Aim Controller launches worldwide in May 2017.

PlayStation VR Aim Controller
Designed for first-person experiences in-and-out of virtual reality, the PlayStation VR Aim Controller offers a more ...
Release Dates
16 May 2017-Standard
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