Nintendo Fan Makes A Super Mario World Themed 81,032 Dominoes Setup

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It would take nearly a month to complete, but one Nintendo fan was dedicated to building the ultimate Super Mario World themed line-up, consisting of 81,032 dominoes. 

A month, you ask? Yes! ...In exchange for five minutes of footage capturing heroes and villains from the classic game falling into a clearer view on the super fan's hardwood floors. Although it may appear to look like it's being knocked down in one-run, its builder is using a screen link technique to make the video, meaning that each clip is created on its own, then edited together to make it look like one long setup. Still, the thing is pretty cool and the fancy editing makes it look all the more incredible. 

The work of art comes from YouTuber TheDominoKing, who has plenty of other video game themed pieces that any gamer can appreciate, including ones for Fallout, Sonic, Splatoon, Yooka-Laylee, and many others. After watching the video, make sure to head to his channel to compliment his dexterity and creativity!

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