Quantum Break's Story Will Be "Really Conclusive", but Sequels Are Possible

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The Creative Director of Quantum Break, Sam Lake, revealed more about the future of this new IP during a lecture in Paris this week.

As part of the development process, the team behind Quantum Break built up the world around the game, creating a backstory which could be covered in "much more" than one game. But, according to Lake, there's no reason to be worried about an unsatisfying ending.

During the lecture, Lake state that the game will follow Jack's journey and origin in a "very conclusive" manner. If all goes well, we could be seeing a Quantum Break series unfold but, in the worst case, it won't leave us feeling cheated.

Quantum Break will launch exclusively on Xbox One on April 5. The game was, however, rated recently in Brazil for an unannounced PC port.

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